For Instructors
- Procrastination can be prevented by rethinking major assignments.
- Resource: Draw on principles for creating Transparent Assignments to clarify purpose and process - the what, why, and how of scaffolded assignments).
- Break down large assignments into a series of smaller ones.
- Use assignments to intentionally build self-efficacy.
- Sometimes procrastination begins with not doing the reading
- Resource: Draw on principles and “preparing for class” practices offered in Active Learning Strategies to Boost Reading.
- Use lower-stakes assessments.
- Use cumulative testing – the spacing MAKES them prepared.
- Change the grading structure to reward (eventual) mastery, not simple performance – ideas include second-chance testing, essay revision.
- Resource: To guide students in the direction of significant rethinking and revision rather than superficial copy editing incorporate self-assessment strategies in the peer and individual revision process. Having students compose Feedback or Revision Memos to provide context, seek feedback, and discuss feedback already adopted or adapted is one example.
- Align student preparation via interactive lectures that embed practice activities that “align” to the types of application and levels of learning that will be part of an upcoming test. In having opportunities to practice using and connecting course concepts and content, student motivation and confidence both increase.
For Students
- Review the syllabus for each course, and plan out the semester. Setting reminders that alert you to work that will be due soon is more effective than setting a reminder when the work is due, which doesn’t give you time to do the work.
- Schedule time for course content. Doing the work requires having engaged with the content, which can include completing the readings, watching videos, or reviewing course notes.
- Keep notes during lecture to ensure you account for exam questions derived from lecture material. Reviewing course content required having the content to review.
- Collaboration helps. Building a network of peers and working with study groups can help you stay accountable as you create strong habits and build necessary skills. If a peer asks you to engage in an activity that could be considered plagiarism or cheating, they may not know it is cheating or that you will be held accountable for participating, so simply say that you are unwilling to take the risk.
- Review late penalties and grading rubrics for each assignment. In some cases, it may be better to submit a completed assignment late than an incomplete assignment on time(For example: a 10% late penalty vs. missing 30% of the assignment content).