
Webinars, Workshops, Courses, and Clinics

Tuesday, October 15

Time: 10:00 am

Welcome to the October edition of Pedagogical Innovations Journal Club.

Research demonstrates a persistence of gender inequities in classroom discussion. In this session, we will explore research that examines the impact of cold-calling on student participation and comfort in classroom discussions, with a focus on gender differences. We'll examine research demonstrating the potential of cold-calling to create a more equitable classroom environment.


Friday, October 25

Time: 10:00 am

In this interactive webinar, participants will reflect on the importance of pedagogical knowledge alongside knowledge of course content. Participants will also learn how to apply the tool of Bloom's Taxonomy to design student learning outcomes that support effective course design. In addition, participants will explore how student learning outcomes are key to aligning course assignments, content, and learning activities.

Wednesday, November 20

Time: 12:00 pm

Welcome to the October edition of Pedagogical Innovations Journal Club.

Preparing for exams in introductory biology classrooms is a complex metacognitive task. Focusing on lower achieving students (those with entering ACT scores below the median at our institution), we compared the effect of two different assignments distributed ahead of exams by dividing classes in half to receive either terms to define or open-ended metacognitive questions. Completing metacognitive assignments resulted in moderately higher exam scores for students on the second and third exams. Metacognitive assignments also improved accuracy (difference between predicted and actual exam scores) for the second and third exam in lower ACT students, but that improvement was driven largely by higher exam scores in the metacognitive group.